Invite us for this one and only ride of your life in a ship that will guide you to the Personal Agility Lighthouse™ (PALH™) with
Raji and Michal
What do we deliver?
In this powerful, engaging and full of laughter session, we shall use our Personal Agility Lighthouse™ PALH™– A framework to help prepare the attendees using a structured learning of Personal Agility skills that are critical to all organizations (small, medium, large). It is built on the seven pillars model where AgilityDiscoveries explore the subtleties of getting the organizational outcome through skill sets that cannot be taught through a certification or class. This model comprises of Learning, Cerebral, Emotional, Education, Change, Political, and Outcomes Agility.
We will guide you to the secure shores of your personal vision, help prepare you to tread the long roads of mergers/acquisitions. Influencing with personal agility to work on personal vision (long term plans) and development directions be it right or wrong. Our seven strong pillars of Personal Agility will steer you to your goal alignment that will pave the way to Organizational Agility. We will get you ready for opportunities and prepare you for changes when your company trade-mark needs it or your strategic/tactical plan needs tweaking on the fly.